About Us

Hola Amigos and welcome to our family travel stories, chronicled on our little blog!  All opinions are ours- not meant to represent that thoughts and feelings of others. :)

We are the Abel's- a family of three that split our time on different sides of the world (Nice to "meet" you!) We are lucky to have two homes- one in Tucson, Arizona and one just north of Tel Aviv, Israel (Herzliya Pituach, to be exact!) 

We have a spunky 4 year old daugher (Ledoux- named after Chris Ledoux, a country singer), and my husband is a Military Contractor for General Electric. (He spent 9 years in the US Marines before transitioning to his current role, which is why we reside in Israel).  As for me?  In the states, I have two careers- one in HR Talent Acquisition (my day job!) and I also teach at the local community college in the evenings.  

My husband loves all things Harley and Motorcycle related and anything mechanical.  He also enjoys seeking out craft beers (IPA's are his thang) and spending evenings at local breweries or beer gardens.

Our daughter is the girly-est tom boy you will ever meet.  She is happiest in princess dresses or swimsuits- and loves spending time with her daddy working on something in the garage, washing the motorcycle, or getting dirty. That being said, if you ask her what her favorite place to go with mama is, she will scream "TARGET!"  #Proudmom  She is a natural director (aka bossy!), loves being in the spotlight, and is quite the budding little artist.

As for me, anything that involves shopping, coffee, or wine I am happy with. It is my happy little trifecta.  I really believe all things can be made better in this world with one (or all) or the three.  I love to travel and spend time with our sweet daughter, and pretend to actually enjoy exercise.  Notice I said pretend, because I actually hate it.  What I do love is cute workout clothes and excuses to wear yoga pants all day. #Truth. 

As a family, we enjoy travel, new experiences, and time at the beach.  We believe everyday should be the 4th of July, and are proud to be from the United States of America. We believe life is too short to let fear hold you back.  We want to live life with no regrets.  Life is too short to live a "what if?" life.  This is our little fam, we love you for following along in our adventures.



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